Dear Partners and Customers,
Like everyone around the world, we are closely monitoring the latest developments in relation to Coronavirus COVID-19 here in Australia and globally.
I wanted to reach out personally to reassure you that FLAIM Systems is committed to continuing to support our first responder brothers and sisters to help people around the world during this pandemic.
To continue to support these important people in our community, we are putting the health and well-being of our people, customers and the community first.
We are following and complying with advice from the Australian Government and will continue to do so throughout the pandemic.
As per this advice we have implemented a number of precautions so that we can continue to remain operating our business as usual as much as possible:
- We have reduced our onsite staff to a minimum to only those staff directly involved in manufacturing and product shipping.
- We have secured our supply chain to ensure no disruption to order fulfilment.
- We are in daily contact with our local freight and logistics partners. Freight and Logistics services have been designated by the Australian and Victorian governments as an essential service that will continue.
- Our management team have implement remote working practices to enable us to continue to support you throughout this challenging period.
Whilst we cannot visit you in-person during this restricted travel period, we will of course be there to support you via telephone or video conference.
Australian customers, please call our Customer Support Team on 1800 FLAIMS for product support or information. International customers please call your local Distributor.
For our Distributors, our Sales Team will continue to check in with you regularly throughout this period.
Remain safe and healthy, our thoughts are with you and your families.
Kind regards,
James Mullins