The FLAIM presence at the Avalon Air Show was under the FLAIM banner, but part of the City of Geelong stand. We had limited space so we decided not take the full FLAIM Trainer system but to use video to demonstrate the full kit and show off an early preview of the FLAIM Extinguisher product to enable interested parties to experience VR fire scenarios. A number of FLAIM team members attended and it was a good opportunity for them to experience a trade show and to see the planes and vehicles in real life which they are modelling (F35,Crash/Rescue Tenders,C17). As expected many participants were from the defence forces and from AirServices Australia.
One of the first to experience our stand were the Mayor and CEO of the City of Geelong who were impressed with the innovation of FLAIM.Senior Naval Officer Victoria and Head of Training, Royal Australian Navy visited the FLAIM stand. Given the long history of Deakin and IISRI with RAN it was not surprising they were interested and indicated it is “impressive tech”. FLAIM was referred to a two day conference,”Rock the Boat”, involving navy, industry and academia on ways to improve naval training.The Commanding Officer, RAAF Security and Fire School,Amberley attended. He likes the idea of using simulation as an adjunct to their existing training resources.National Training Manager, Babcock Australia and New Zealand also attended and showed great interest in a presentation of FLAIM Trainer.Overall there was enthusiastic feedback from the largely aviation focussed audience. Many officials and member of the public saw and experienced FLAIM.