Red Rocks Community College Fire Academy incorporates FLAIM Extinguisher into VR curriculum

The Red Rocks Community College fire science program has utilised FLAIM Extinguisher and FLAIM Extinguisher immersive learning solutions in their VR curriculum since 2020.

In April 2021, FLAIM’s partner in the US, Darley, conducted training and hosted an open house to relevant Colorado contacts that included Division of Fire Prevention & Control (DFPC), Sable Altura Fire Rescue, Colorado Special Districts Property & Liability Pool, South Metro Fire, and 10+ Red Rock Faculty members.

Below Michael, and instructor with the program, takes us through the FLAIM Extinguisher unit (V1) and a demonstration session.

Watch as we see what happens when the wrong extinguishing agent is used in a fire. ‘Oh my, is that what happens?’, is something we love to hear in any training session. Time to retrain and repeat!

Enhancing Safety Training Efficiency with FLAIM Extinguisher - Safety Heights and Rescue Training