Macquarie University Transforms Fire Safety Training with Workplace Safety - Fire

About Macquarie University

Macquarie University is a leading Australian university and hospital network based in Sydney. Fire safety and compliance is critical for universities to protect students, staff, and assets, whilst maintaining a safe learning environment and meeting fire safety regulations.  


Traditionally, fire safety training can be costly, time-consuming, and often lack realistic experiences for trainees. Macquarie University was seeking a solution that delivers effective fire extinguisher training to comply with AS: 4083 standards, without the cost and time involved in traditional fire safety training. 

The cost and the time to get a good experience for the learner were our biggest challenges.

Brian Meadows
Emergency Management Officer/Health and Safety Adviser at Macquarie University. 


In their search for an innovative solution, the team sought a system that delivers realistic fire extinguisher training and offers versatility. The decision became clear when they discovered that the system suited the unique needs of both the university and hospital network.  

FLAIM WSF stood out because of its realism, the variety of scenarios, and its alignment with AS: 4083 standards. It seemed miles ahead of other VR systems... It's as if the system was made to perfectly suit the AS: 4083 standards

In late 2022, the organisation deployed four Workplace Safety - Fire systems across their hospital, clinics, and university. Two updated systems have since been added, expanding their training capabilities further. 

The Workplace Safety - Fire systems are used to comply with AS: 3745 and 4083 standards, training high-risk area staff, university childcare workers, and students. 

 "All staff and students in critical areas are now being trained, ensuring a robust fire safety culture” said Meadows.  

The virtual reality-based system replicates realistic scenarios in familiar surroundings, providing unparalleled immersion. 

"It shows learners how hard it really is to extinguish a fire in their work environment. You just can’t get this experience from a gas ring and a few squirts of a CO2 extinguisher in an outdoor setting," Meadows added. 



In 2024 alone, the organisation delivered over 200 hours of immersive fire extinguisher training, reaching more than 1,000 trainees. 

Since adopting FLAIM WSF, Macquarie University has achieved substantial savings of over $1 million saved by avoiding off-site training. More than $27,000 was saved in gas and extinguisher refill costs, even after accounting for the cost of equipment. 

What’s more, the trainees have enjoyed their fire extinguisher training experience.  

The staff find the training so realistic and genuinely enjoy coming back to be re-trained. The satisfaction that staff get out of doing the training is where we see the most value

 The future 

Macquarie University is committed to the continued use of immersive fire extinguisher training as the cornerstone of their fire safety training program. "We plan to keep using FLAIM WSF until an even newer system is developed" concluded Meadows. 


Port Otago Transforms Fire Safety Training with FLAIM Workplace Safety – Fire