US Air Force uses innovation funds to purchase FLAIM simulator

At just one of the Air Force bases in the US using FLAIM, here is Arpad Lepper, 55th Civil Engineer Squadron fire department training chief, putting out a simulated C-17 aircraft fire, while using a FLAIM Trainer simulator inside the fire department conference room on Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.

The fire department in Nebraska used innovation funds to purchase a simulator that provides real world scenarios to enhance their skills without being in an unsafe environment.

With the cost of firefighter personal protective exceeding $3,000 and the high cost of specialized firefighting vehicles – $500,000 to $800,000 – this trainer saves wear and tear, fuel and operational costs on these high dollar assets as they are not used as often.

David Eblin
55th CES installation fire chief, Offut Air Force Base, US Airforce

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