Create a Course

Create a Course

  1. Using your organisation's Admin User account, login to your FLAIM Capture site.
  2. Click Online Courses link within the menu located on the left of the page.
  3. Click Course Index option within the Online Courses sub-menu.
  4. Click the Create Course button displayed at the top right of the page.
  5. Complete the fields for the new course.
  6. To create a new course, several fields are displayed to enable the details of the new course to be recorded:
    1. Title: This is the title of the course.
    2. Description: A description of the course.
    3. Certificate text: Text that will be displayed on the certificate that will be awarded when the course is completed and available for download or printing as a PDF.
    4. Unsuccessful course message (optional): This field is optional.  The message that will be displayed if a learner completes the course but does not satisfy the requirements for a “Pass”.
    5. Renewal period in month (optional): This field is optional.  Each course completion will award the learner a competency.  This enables you to specify for how long (in months) the competency will be valid for before there is a requirement to complete a refresher course.  If left blank the competency will remain valid without requiring the learner to complete any additional refresher training.
    6. Ordered progression – (Yes or No): This field is optional.  This field enables you to specify if the course elements must be completed “lock step” in the sequence you have specified (Yes) or if the learner can complete the course elements in any sequence (No).
    7. Limited quiz attempts: “No” means that the learner can fail and then re-attempt the quiz without any limit.  “Yes” means that learners will only have a limited number of attempts to pass the quiz before the activity is considered “Completed” as either a Pass or Fail. 
    8. Number of attempts: If you selected “Yes” for “Limited quiz attempts” you must specify with a number how many attempts learners can take to try and achieve a Pass for the quiz activity.
    9. Author: You cannot edit or change this field.  The Author field displays the name of the organisation that created the course.
    10. Promotional image: All courses are required to have a promotional image.  Images should be in landscape orientation with a recommended resolution of 800 x 600.  To add the promotional photo, click on the "Add Photo" link.
  7. To save the course details you must click the Save button displayed at the bottom of the page. If you do not want to save the course, click on the Cancel button.
  8. If you click on the Save button a confirmation message will be displayed in the top right of the page to indicate that the course details have been saved and the course has been created.
  9. When a course is created:
    • It will have a status of “Draft”
    • It will have no course content


  • Only “Active” courses can be displayed in the Student Course Catalogue.
  • Courses which have no content cannot be made “Active”