

Attention: The latest release (2024 R1.2) has been released to current subscribers

For distributors/partners, to gain early access, please complete this linked form and we will make it available within 24hrs (or next business day).

For subscribed FLAIM Customers, please complete this linked form and we will make it available within 24hrs (or next business day) from the release date.

Note: You must first determine which hardware version you are using:

  • T3 system is the latest hardware version available, the computer is built within the hose reel.
  • T2 system is an earlier hardware version, the computer is built within the SBCA backpack.

Updating FLAIM Trainer has changed over the years. The below instructions detail the update process for a T2 system. If you are using a later T3 system, please see these instructions: ðŸ“„ FLAIM Trainer Updates

Important: There is now no requirement to delete any previous versions or data. Please do not uninstall or delete any files. 


Important: A T2 Trainer system has the computer in the SBCA backpack, not in the Hose Reel.

Stage One

  1. Use a separate PC connected to the internet and insert a USB drive into the PC. We recommend using at least a 16GB USB drive that has been formatted into either NTFS or ExFat (see📄 Format a USB Drive as exFAT).
  2. Once you have received a link to the zip file from FLAIM Systems, save the download on to a USB drive.
  3. Once the files have been saved to the USB drive, safely eject the USB drive from that PC and insert the USB drive into the USB slot available on the SBCA backpack.
  4. Important: Please ensure you have a fully charged battery prior to installation.

  5. Boot the Hose Reel. Once loaded, close the small WebUI box in the top left hand corner by clicking the bar above the G five times (5x) and press the Close HAL button.​​
  6. Select the USB drive from the list on the left panel in Files Explorer (check the name).
  7. Right click the FLAIM Trainer folder and press Copy. Return to the Desktop, right click and select Paste.
  8. Right click the copied folder on the Desktop and unzip the folder using 7-Zip.
  9. Important: Please ensure that you use 7-Zip to unzip the files, other unzipping applications are not configured properly.

  10. Once unzipped, open the FLAIM Trainer folder and double click the FLAIM Installer Application.
  11. If there are any other additional packages required, please follow the instructions provided onscreen. For example, SteamVR requires updates sporadically. Similar to what is shown in the list above, click the SteamVR update file and click Next and follow the steps in the installer popup.

  12. Click the box next to I agree to the license terms and conditions then click Install.

Stage Two

  1. Following the installation of the background programs, the system will begin installation of the FLAIM Trainer software.
  2. Click the box next to I agree to the license terms and conditions then click Install. Please wait while the install progresses.

  3. Please close any open programs as instructed. Press OK to confirm the instruction.
  4. Click Finish to complete the installation.
  5. Follow the prompts and press Yes to accept changes.

  6. Restart the computer upon completion.
  7. Once the System has restarted; start the FLAIM application on the iPad, select New Session and tap Settings in the top left corner.
  8. Tap the drop down menu of Select simulation version and choose from the available options. We recommend choosing the latest version.

  9. To confirm the changes, tap the yellow Trainer Simulation button in the bottom left of the screen and will return to the session details screen.