Indicator Lights

Indicator Lights

Headset Status Indicators

Colour of the status indicator

Status of the system

Flashing red light 

Battery is less than 20%

Consistent red light

Charging and/or the battery is less than 20%

Consistent yellow light

Charging and/or the battery is less than 90%

Consistent green light

Charging complete and/or the battery is more than 90% or full

Flashing blue light 

Shutting down

Consistent blue light

Starting up or in operation

Flashing white light 

Firmware is updating

Indicator is off

Sleeping or power-off

Controller Status Indicators

Colour of the status indicator

Status of the system

Flashing red light 

Low battery

Consistent red light 


Flashing blue light


Consistent blue light


Flashing white light 

The firmware is updating

Red and blue lights flash alternately at a slow rate (0.5s)

Waiting to be paired

The indicator is off

Power-off or full-battery