Duplicate a Course

Duplicate a Course

Note: You can only edit the course details of courses that have been created by your organisation. 

If your organisation is not the Course Author (your organisation did not create the course), you will not be able to edit any other course details. All details will be greyed out without any ability to edit or modify the details.  If you want to modify a course that your organisation did not create, you will need to Duplicate the course.  This will create a copy of the course which you can then modify.

  1. Login to the FLAIM Capture site.
  2. Click Online Courses within the menu located on the left of the page.
  3. Click on the Course Index option within the "Online Courses" sub-menu.
  4. The Course Index page will now be displayed. Click on the > icon at the right of the course.
  5. This will open the Course Details page. Click the Settings button at the top right of the Course Details page.
  6. The Edit Course page will now be displayed. To duplicate the course, click on the Actions button at the top right of the page and select Duplicate course from the drop-down menu.
  7. A duplicate copy of the course will be created. The Course Details page of the 'new course' you have created will now be visible.
  8. You can now edit and modify the new course.