Training Mode & Autoplay
Training Mode & Autoplay
Training Mode
A unit can be locked to a specific Playlist, as selected through Capture, which removes all other scenarios from being an available option in the headset. This creates a streamlined experience for the user and is especially useful if the training is to be concentrated on a particular Playlist).
This feature also minimises the risk of accidental button presses resulting in incorrect scenario selection.
- Open the Settings by pressing the gear icon in the top right corner.
- If the unit has already been assigned to a playlist, highlight Enable Playlist.
- Then press Enter Training Mode.
- This will automatically leave the settings window and enter the student view.
- The student must then select the first scenario and squeeze the handle to confirm.
- To exit Training Mode, press the side button on the VR Headset.
Autoplay is an optional setting that can be toggled within Lobby Settings.
- Open the Settings by pressing the gear icon in the top right corner.
- If the unit has already been assigned to a playlist, highlight Enable Playlist.
- Then highlight Enable Autoplay.
- Finally, press Enter Training Mode.
- Once enabled, the Playlist screen will not be shown. Instead, the first scenario will automatically be selected.
- Squeeze the extinguisher handle to begin the scenario.
- At the conclusion of a scenario, select the Lobby option, the next scenario will be displayed with a prompt to hold down the extinguisher handle to begin the scenario.
- After completing all the scenarios in the Playlist, the Playlist will start from the beginning again.