Training Mode & Autoplay

Training Mode & Autoplay

Training Mode

A unit can be locked to a specific Playlist, as selected through Capture, which removes all other scenarios from being an available option in the headset. This creates a streamlined experience for the user and is especially useful if the training is to be concentrated on a particular Playlist).

Important: To manage Playlists in Capture, please see these instructions.

This feature also minimises the risk of accidental button presses resulting in incorrect scenario selection.

  1. Open the Settings by pressing the gear icon in the top right corner.

  2. If the unit has already been assigned to a playlist, highlight Enable Playlist.
  3. Then press Enter Training Mode.
  4. This will automatically leave the settings window and enter the student view.

  5. The student must then select the first scenario and squeeze the handle to confirm.
  6. To exit Training Mode, press the side button on the VR Headset.



Autoplay is an optional setting that can be toggled within Lobby Settings. 

  1. Open the Settings by pressing the gear icon in the top right corner.
  2. If the unit has already been assigned to a playlist, highlight Enable Playlist.
  3. Then highlight Enable Autoplay.
  4. Finally, press Enter Training Mode.
  5. Once enabled, the Playlist screen will not be shown. Instead, the first scenario will automatically be selected.

  6. Squeeze the extinguisher handle to begin the scenario.
  7. At the conclusion of a scenario, select the Lobby option, the next scenario will be displayed with a prompt to hold down the extinguisher handle to begin the scenario.
  8. After completing all the scenarios in the Playlist, the Playlist will start from the beginning again.