Enrol a Student by Invitation

Enrol a Student by Invitation

Note: A course must have a status of “Active” to be available for student enrolments.      


  1. Login to the FLAIM Capture site.
  2. Click Online Courses from the menu on the left of the page.
  3. Click Course Index within the "Online Courses" sub-menu.
  4. Click the > at the right of the course.
  5. The Course Details Page of the course you selected will now be displayed.
  6. The "Overview" TAB will be displayed. The "Overview" TAB displays details of the course.
  7. Click the Enrolments tab.
  8. Click the + Enrol students button on the top right of the page.
  9. Select Invite student from the drop-down menu.
  10. Enter the student email address, first name and last name.
  11. When you have entered the required information click the Invite student button at the bottom of the window.
  12. A confirmation message will be displayed confirming that an email to invite the student to enrol in the course has been sent.
  13. You can now either continue to invite more students to enrol by pressing + Invite student, or you can click the Cancel button to exit.