Remove Course Content

Remove Course Content

Note: You can only delete course content of courses that have been created by your organisation.  The organisation that created a course is displayed in the “Course author” field that is shown Course Details page.

You should not delete course content for courses which have current or previous enrolments.  If you need to modify a course that has active or previous enrolments it is recommended that you duplicate the course and make the changes on the “new” version of the course. 

  1. Login to the FLAIM Capture site.
  2. Click Online Courses in the menu located on the left of the page.
  3. Click Course Index within the "Online Courses" sub-menu.
  4. The Courses Index page will now be displayed. Click the > icon at the right of the course.
  5. The Course Details page of the course you selected will now be displayed.
  6. Click the Course contents tab.
  7. The content of the course will be displayed on the right hand side of the Course contents page.
  8. To delete Course content, click on the “Trash Can” icon located beside the Course content you wish to delete from the course.