Unarchive a Course
Unarchive a Course
- Login to the FLAIM Capture site.
- Click Online Courses within the menu located on the left of the page.
- Click Course Index within the "Online Courses" sub-menu.
- The Course Index will now be displayed. Click the > at the right of the course.
- The Course Details page of the course you selected will now be displayed. To modify the status of the course, click Settings at the top right of the page.
- The Edit Course page will now be displayed.
- To unarchive the course, click on the Actions button displayed at the top right of the page.
- A drop down menu will now be displayed.
- Click on the Undo archive course button to undo archive the course.
- A confirmation pop-up window will be displayed.
- To unarchive the course, click on the Yes button.
- A confirmation message will be displayed.
- The Course is now unarchived and will have a status of “Draft”. This means the course is unavailable for student enrolments and cannot be displayed in the Student Course Catalogue.
- To make the course available for enrolment and to display the course in the Student Course Catalogue you will need to activate the course.