Create an Admin User
Create an Admin User
Admin Users have full administrative access to your organisation's Capture account. Only a current Admin User can create an additional Admin User for their Capture account.
- Login to the FLAIM Capture site.
- Click on the Settings option within the menu on the left of the page.
- Select Users.
- Click the Create User button at the top-right of the All Users page.
- The New User Page will now be displayed. Type the email address of the Student User in the Email field. You must ensure you type the same email address recorded on the Student User account. When you have typed the email address into the Email field click elsewhere on the page.
- An alert message will display asking you to confirm that you want to make this Student User an Organisational Admin User.
- To proceed click the OK button. To cancel, click Cancel.
- If you proceed by clicking OK a confirmation message will be displayed.
- The user now has the privileges of an Organisational Admin User.