Profile Details

Profile Details


Great care must be taken when modifying the profile settings as it is possible that links, emails, and bookmarks created by users will become instantly unworkable.

Profile settings should only be modified by an experienced administrator, if you are unsure please contact FLAIM Systems before making any changes.

  1. Login to the FLAIM Capture site.
  2. The FLAIM Capture Dashboard will now be displayed.
  3. Click on the Settings option within the menu located on the left of the page.
  4. The Settings sub menu will now be displayed. Click the Profile Settings option within the Settings sub-menu.
  5. On the Profile Settings you can see the current settings including
    • Name: name of your organisation
    • Subdomain: the sub-domain used to create the unique web address for your FLAIM Capture site
    • Primary Email: the primary email address for your site
    • Address: your organisational address
    • Primary Color: the primary colour used within your FLAIM Capture site and
    • Logo: the logo displayed within the site and on certificates.
  6. To modify the current Profile Settings, click on the Settings button displayed on the top right of the page.
  7. The Edit profile settings page will now be displayed.
  8. All profile details can be modified on this page. You can edit the fields on this page but be aware that any changes you make will be immediately visible to all users across your site.
  9. Changing the subdomain name will immediately render all links previously created inoperable.
  10. When you have made the required changed click the Save button displayed at the bottom of the page to save the changes you have made. A confirmation message will be displayed confirming that the changes have been saved.