Pairing the Heart Rate Monitor
Pairing the Heart Rate Monitor
For the following article, we will be using the Rhythm Armband Heart Rate Monitor that comes as standard with the FLAIM Trainer.
- To begin, launch the FLAIM Trainer iPad app. Select New Session. You may enter student information or just leave the fields blank.
- Select Start Simulation when ready.
- If you have not already done so, read through the warning and select Accept.
- Select the Settings cog ⚙️ icon in the top left corner.
- Under 'Advanced setup', press the Reconnect Heart Rate button.
- Use the drop-down menu and scroll to find the bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor (the device name for Rhythm Armband Heart Rate Monitors begin with "R+2.0"). Select your Heart Rate Monitor and tap the Save HR Sensor.
- To confirm that the monitor is now selected, tap the Reconnect Hear Rate button again. Confirm that your device is listed next to 'Current Connected Sensor' at the top. If it is not, return to Step 6.
Once you have confirmed that your Heart Rate monitor is connected, select the Back button. - Finally, press the Restart FLAIM System button under 'Standard use'. This saves all changes to the system. Then, select the Trainer Simulation button in the bottom left corner to return to the main facilitator view.
- If the user has on the wearable, select the heart icon labeled Biometrics in the top menu ribbon
- Once the biometrics screen is open, you may track the students vitals in real-time. When you are ready to start or stop the scenario, select the Close button on the bottom right to return to the main facilitator view.